EP 262 - 2021 Taz Top Pick: Dr. Taz’s Take on Hair Loss

We’re back this week with another one of Taz’s Top Picks of 2021! And today we’re replaying the episode about hair loss. Hair loss isn’t just a men’s issue, it’s an epidemic now among women as well. So today on the show, Dr. Taz ventures on this solo episode to share her personal story of hair loss to hair restoration! She addresses the shame and embarrassment women often feel when experiencing hair loss, and how stress is a huge factor in that, plus she explains how your scalp has its own microbiome and what that means for the health of your hair. Also, stick around until the end to hear Dr. Taz’s cheat sheet on hair loss and how you can start making practical changes today!

We’re back this week with another one of Taz’s Top Picks of 2021! And today we’re replaying the episode about hair loss. Hair loss isn’t just a men’s issue, it’s an epidemic now among women as well. So today on the show, Dr. Taz ventures on this solo episode to share her personal story of hair loss to hair restoration! She addresses the shame and embarrassment women often feel when experiencing hair loss, and how stress is a huge factor in that, plus she explains how your scalp has its own microbiome and what that means for the health of your hair. Also, stick around until the end to hear Dr. Taz’s cheat sheet on hair loss and how you can start making practical changes today!

Today on Super Woman Wellness:

  • Dr. Taz’s own hair loss journey 
  • Learn the different types of hair loss
  • Why we need to treat our hair like a vital sign 
  • Diet changes for revitalizing hair growth 
  • How to make your hair grow and thrive

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

EP 262 - 2021 Taz Top Pick: Dr. Taz’s Take on Hair Loss
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