EP 255 - Dr. Taz’s Takes on Diet Confusion

Back with another solo episode, today Dr. Taz tackles one of the most stressful issues people looking to better their health come across: What diet should you eat? Well today, she’s taking all the stress away by breaking down the major types of diets out there,, and helping guide you to the best dietary lifestyle for your unique self. Plus, learn about cycle-fasting as an alternative to intermittent fasting, and why it works better for women’s bodies.

Back with another solo episode, today Dr. Taz tackles one of the most stressful issues people looking to better their health come across: What diet should you eat? Well today, she’s taking all the stress away by breaking down the major types of diets out there,, and helping guide you to the best dietary lifestyle for your unique self. Plus, learn about cycle-fasting as an alternative to intermittent fasting, and why it works better for women’s bodies. 

Today on Super Woman Wellness:

  • Dr. Taz breaks down the 5 major diets
  • How to know which dietary lifestyle is best for you
  • The downfalls of intermittent fasting for women
  • Practical tips for making food changes in your life

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions

EP 255 - Dr. Taz’s Takes on Diet Confusion
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