EP 182 - What We Know And Don’t About The Risks of Fertility Treatment in the Age of CoVid-19

Navigating the world of fertility during the CoVid-19 pandemic.CoVid-19 has uprooted all of our schedules, from our work to our social lives - so much about the future is now uncertain. This includes the world of fertility. Should treatments continue, should you keep trying to get pregnant, and what if you're pregnant right now?  To help navigate the fertility world during this time is David Adamson, a consulting reproductive endocrinologist and surgeon, Medical Director of Equal3 Fertility, Clinical Professor ACF at Stanford University, and Associate Clinical Professor at UCSF.
ep-182-what-we-know-and-don-t-about-the-risks-of-fertility-treatment-in-the-age-of-covid-19Navigating the world of fertility during the CoVid-19 pandemic.CoVid-19 has uprooted all of our schedules, from our work to our social lives - so much about the future is now uncertain. This includes the world of fertility. Should treatments continue, should you keep trying to get pregnant, and what if you're pregnant right now? 

To help navigate the fertility world during this time is David Adamson, a consulting reproductive endocrinologist and surgeon, Medical Director of Equal3 Fertility, Clinical Professor ACF at Stanford University, and Associate Clinical Professor at UCSF.
EP 182 - What We Know And Don’t About The Risks of Fertility Treatment in the Age of CoVid-19
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