EP 171: Stop Coronovirus: Supporting Your Immune System

Before any more panic sets in, Dr. Taz is here to share some facts about coronavirus (COVID-19). Get informed, get empowered.For many of us who have been watching the news over the last few months, we all thought, "It won't happen to us -- right?" We certainly didn't think it would get so massive as to significantly disrupt our daily lives. And yet... Businesses are closed. Schools are shut down. And, so many people are in fear about their future, their safety, and the safety of their loved ones. Before any more panic sets in, Dr. Taz is here to share some facts about the virus itself, so you can feel empowered rather than fearful. She also discusses ways to boost and build your immune system. Yes, we are in a global health crisis, but there are steps you can take.
ep-171-stop-coronovirus-supporting-your-immune-systemBefore any more panic sets in, Dr. Taz is here to share some facts about coronavirus (COVID-19). Get informed, get empowered.For many of us who have been watching the news over the last few months, we all thought, "It won't happen to us -- right?" We certainly didn't think it would get so massive as to significantly disrupt our daily lives.

And yet...

Businesses are closed. Schools are shut down. And, so many people are in fear about their future, their safety, and the safety of their loved ones.

Before any more panic sets in, Dr. Taz is here to share some facts about the virus itself, so you can feel empowered rather than fearful. She also discusses ways to boost and build your immune system.

Yes, we are in a global health crisis, but there are steps you can take.
EP 171: Stop Coronovirus: Supporting Your Immune System
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