EP 157 - Are Your Beliefs Hijacking Your Life?
Stop running on autopilot and learn how to lead an extraordinary life.Every person has the potential to lead an extraordinary life and become an extraordinary leader, parent, professional, or spouse. But, often our subconscious mind gets in our way and holds us back. The way our subconscious mind operates is established by the age of seven, so our brain is essentially functioning on code written by a seven-year-old. In order to find your calling and be the shaper of your life, not a victim of your circumstances, you need to stop living on autopilot and actively re-write the code — and your beliefs. This starts with looking internally and honestly examining your beliefs. You need to take responsibility for the way you’ve been living and learn to reconstruct your beliefs to become the person you’d like to be. And Darren Gold explains how to do that in 10 minutes a day. Listen as Darren joins Dr. Taz to discuss how to live an extraordinary life.

The way our subconscious mind operates is established by the age of seven, so our brain is essentially functioning on code written by a seven-year-old. In order to find your calling and be the shaper of your life, not a victim of your circumstances, you need to stop living on autopilot and actively re-write the code — and your beliefs.
This starts with looking internally and honestly examining your beliefs. You need to take responsibility for the way you’ve been living and learn to reconstruct your beliefs to become the person you’d like to be. And Darren Gold explains how to do that in 10 minutes a day.
Listen as Darren joins Dr. Taz to discuss how to live an extraordinary life.