EP 141 - Stop Self-Sabotage

Learn how to stop self-sabotaging and create a blueprint for achieving your goals in life.As human beings, we are predisposed to self-sabotage. Humans are wired to attain rewards and avoid threat, so our inclination to panic and avoid threatening situations is actually a evolutionary benefit. However, when we develop a pattern of getting in our own way and not taking necessary risks to move forward, self-sabotage becomes a problem. People tend to self-sabotage in one area of their life. To determine why you’re undermining your own intentions, check in with yourself to see if you're experiencing any of these LIFE issues. Low or shaky self-concept Internalized beliefs that hold you back Fear of the unknown Excess need for control Once you understand where the negative voice comes from, Dr. Judy Ho explains how to create a blueprint for your life, which starts with outlining your values and aligning them with your goals.   Listen as Dr. Ho joins Dr. Taz to discuss how to stop self-sabotaging.
ep-141-stop-self-sabotageLearn how to stop self-sabotaging and create a blueprint for achieving your goals in life.As human beings, we are predisposed to self-sabotage. Humans are wired to attain rewards and avoid threat, so our inclination to panic and avoid threatening situations is actually a evolutionary benefit.

However, when we develop a pattern of getting in our own way and not taking necessary risks to move forward, self-sabotage becomes a problem.

People tend to self-sabotage in one area of their life. To determine why you’re undermining your own intentions, check in with yourself to see if you're experiencing any of these LIFE issues.

  • Low or shaky self-concept
  • Internalized beliefs that hold you back
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Excess need for control
Once you understand where the negative voice comes from, Dr. Judy Ho explains how to create a blueprint for your life, which starts with outlining your values and aligning them with your goals.  

Listen as Dr. Ho joins Dr. Taz to discuss how to stop self-sabotaging.
EP 141 - Stop Self-Sabotage
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