EP 115 - The Missing Link in Chronic Illness: Your Heart

True health comes from tapping into the body's innate ability to heal instead of frantically looking for outside solutions.Whether you are dealing with cancer, autoimmune disease, or a slew of mysterious symptoms, chronic illness can cut to the core of a woman’s being. This is something that Brenda Walding, DPT, FDN-P, knows all too well. Due to the intense stress she experienced--starting with graduating from physical therapy school, a move, new job, getting engaged then married--she began to suffer from chronic fatigue, chronic pain, and severe rashes that covered her body. Her immune system collapsed and she developed a stomach infection. Brenda was bed bound for several months.  On top of all of that, she was diagnosed with breast cancer.  Through this horrific journey, she learned to change her health scope and turned to essential oils, dietary changes, lifestyle adjustments and being more mindful.  Brenda believes that health must encompass physical, emotional and spiritual aspects. True health comes from tapping into the body's innate ability to heal instead of frantically looking for outside solutions. In short, it's time to heal by leading from your heart. Listen as Brenda joins Dr. Taz to share her story and discuss points from her book, Sick of Being Sick: The Woman's Holistic Guide to Conquering Chronic Illness.
ep-115-the-missing-link-in-chronic-illness-your-heartTrue health comes from tapping into the body's innate ability to heal instead of frantically looking for outside solutions.Whether you are dealing with cancer, autoimmune disease, or a slew of mysterious symptoms, chronic illness can cut to the core of a woman’s being.

This is something that Brenda Walding, DPT, FDN-P, knows all too well.

Due to the intense stress she experienced--starting with graduating from physical therapy school, a move, new job, getting engaged then married--she began to suffer from chronic fatigue, chronic pain, and severe rashes that covered her body. Her immune system collapsed and she developed a stomach infection. Brenda was bed bound for several months. 

On top of all of that, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. 

Through this horrific journey, she learned to change her health scope and turned to essential oils, dietary changes, lifestyle adjustments and being more mindful. 

Brenda believes that health must encompass physical, emotional and spiritual aspects. True health comes from tapping into the body's innate ability to heal instead of frantically looking for outside solutions. In short, it's time to heal by leading from your heart.

Listen as Brenda joins Dr. Taz to share her story and discuss points from her book, Sick of Being Sick: The Woman's Holistic Guide to Conquering Chronic Illness.
EP 115 - The Missing Link in Chronic Illness: Your Heart
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